Sarah Glenn

Never stop exploring

The Little Guy

Written By: admin - Nov• 22•11

Why did people ever start paying for newspapers?

It’s simple, really; They wanted to know what was new.

Unfortunately the muti-billion dollar industry that spewed from a printing press is now crumbling like a house of cards. The basic need that the news industry fulfilled is now being provided for free, with the click of a mouse.

The little guys so far have been spared the brunt of the economic beating. With an aging, dedicated, local readership and foreclosure notices running rampant across the legals section, small-town papers have managed to squeak out a meager living.

But this won’t last long.

The editor of the small town paper where I cut my cub reporter’s teeth said it well this week. Take a look. I would love to know what you think.

Stop the Free Presses? By Nathan Orme


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