Sarah Glenn

Never stop exploring

NAA: Smart is the New Sexy

Written By: admin - Oct• 25•11

Oh, there are some thoughts a comin’ your way on this one!


This is the newest ad campaign from the Newspaper Association of America. Being in Grenada and all, it was a little outside our meager budget for me to call up Caroline Little for a phone interview. So you’ll have to just read this by the New Yorks Times blogger Tanzina Vega.

Her statements about the changing nature of newspaper content are especially awesome …

The NAA might be on to something here. As I said before, newsprint is the new hot spot for in-depth analysis. Now reporters just have to up their “smart” factor and provide the thought-prodding (and possibly biased *gasp*) content readers want.

Challenge my noodle! Get me thinking! Because, as we now all know, Smart is the New Sexy. Or, smart is kinda awkward. I mean, green hair and a huge red cheek pimple scream sexy to me …

What are your thoughts on this new newsprint image?

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